January 5, 2021: U.S. Trucking Notice

As outlined in our recent Market Update, local trucking capacities have reached crisis levels that will continue deep into 2021. These trucking capacity issues and equipment shortages span almost every market in the U.S. Today’s update will highlight the status of key U.S. markets.

West Coast: Truckers are beyond capacity in the LA/LB area and many are refusing new clients & loads. Most are booking 2-4 weeks out, making last-minute bookings out of the question.

South-West: Truckers are booking 1-3 weeks in advance, with recent appointments booking as far out as 1/11. Local truckers are preferring local loads over long hauls.

Mid-West: Truckers are booking 1-3 weeks in advance, but capacity can be secured with advanced notice. Rail yards continue to experience equipment shortages, with the usual transfer point delays. The biggest delays and issues are arising from WC/EC congestion, capacity, and equipment shortages.

South-East: Truckers are booking 6-8 weeks in advance with last-minute bookings and appointment requests nearly impossible to secure, especially at normal rate levels. The situation at the ports of Savannah and Charleston remains dire and local contacts are forecasting further strain into Q1. We are starting to see the same trucking issues flow into LTL/FLT moves as well. We strongly suggest securing future bookings as soon as your supply chain schedule is known.

East Coast: Truckers are booking 1-3 weeks in advance but the main issue on the EC is equipment shortage and congestion. Containers of all sizes and chassis have become increasingly unavailable to meet deadlines and free time. As mentioned in the previous update, smaller ports that are completely overwhelmed with volume are being pulled from certain loops and sailings to avoid arrival delays (IE the port of Boston has been experiencing this issue more frequently than others).

We cannot stress enough the importance of booking as far into the future as possible in order to mitigate delays and challenges. Reach out to your local Janel Group representative to discuss the best and current options for your supply chain.